Event planning is a business just like any other. It takes a team of trained and vetted professionals to complete deliverables and problem solve on the spot. We are not ‘freelancers’, but a 20 year company, made up of teams, so a human being will always get you the answers you need.
We have often been called “the planner’s planner” because we know the culture of each of our companies and their clientele. The look and feel that “works” for a cutting edge technology company may be the wrong message for a 100 year old Investment Bank. We have built and maintained our own customized client management system for the past 20 years, tracking vital data, so for instance we know if there is an allergy in your group; and it will be relayed to any space we work with onon your behalf.We have planned over 25,000 corporate events from high profile companies to small businesses with limited resources, and we give our full attention to all clients. We understand immediate turnaround time and that you have an internal client to report back to. We will give you peace of mind and the insider tips and feedback. For example, if you are planning a presentation with front screen projection and your site inspections include a venue with a giant column in the middle of the room, well, that’s a waste of your time. We save you the trip.
Our a la cart approach to event services allows you to use us when and where you need the most support.
Maybe your department is so busy with marketing a fund or product that they do not have time to plan the investors meetings? Outsource it to us.
Maybe you just need a new venue for this year’s holiday party to keep things fresh and exciting. Use our free location marketing service and we’ll guide you through our 1500 locations.
Need technological help? We have it all, check out our Technology page for what we can offer.
Need additional support with events? We travel with our clients nationally and internationally. We run any interference between vendors; help you with our technology solutions, source all vendors for your event and with our 30 million dollar spent annually in the event industry, we guarantee you will save money, time and energy.
Download our full list of services here